Activate Smart Licensing
G-Core 8 is required to use Smart Licensing. Make sure you have installed the appropriate Smart Licensing licenses in advance.
You can activate Smart Licensing in G-Set by enabling the Smart-Licensing option in the Options menu. Confirm the dialog Are you sure you want to switch to Smart Licensing? with OK. The new licensing model is activated and the Smart Licensing licenses are used. The G-Core server is restarted to complete the switch.
Deactivate the Smart-Licensing option to use the Traditional Licensing licenses.
It is possible to switch the licensing model at any time. Parallel operation of both licensing models on a single license server is not possible. G-Core uses Smart Licensing as the default license model starting with version 8.0. For information on Geutebrück Software Licensing, see here.
For detailed information about the Options menu, see Options.